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In the Spring/Summer of 2022, PROJECTbyH. continues to uphold its meticulous craftsmanship and established standards. Departing from previous emphases on environmental sustainability, the brand now centers its ethos around the principle of "symbiosis," exploring the nuanced interplay between the human form and apparel. Through the deconstruction of traditional garment structures, it unveils a myriad of perspectives within clothing, each iteration redefining conventional norms.

Within the SS22 collection, we present a fusion of innovative design elements, including seamless one-piece constructions, inventive closure mechanisms, artisanal ink and tea dye finishes, and handcrafted split-toe horse leather shoes crafted by RIFARE. Additionally, our collaboration with artist C7 (Hsin Ching Chang) has seamlessly integrated graphic artistry into select designs, further enriching the collection's narrative.

Illustration: C7 Hsin Ching Chang

Photography: Chris Po-Yen Lee

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