an installation collaboration with Portal:M
cloth installation, 3D videography
London, Oct., 2024
As a cross-disciplinary collaboration between PROJECTbyH. and Portal:M, the installation "RE-INCARNATION" is a combination of craftsmanship and digital imaging technology. Bringing traditional handmade processes to life through modern methods and subverting conventional stereotypes of textiles, it is also a metaphorical art piece mirroring the evolution that both human consciousness and its relationship to clothing are facing in the modern era. If consciousness were to be reborn with clothing as its vessel, what form would it take?
At birth, an infant emerges from the womb, departing from the mother’s body to enter the world. RE-INCARNATION seeks to capture this moment through conceptual expression, utilizing textile installation techniques to translate the imagery of birth into material form.
This installation is a cross-disciplinary collaboration between independent fashion label PROJECTbyH. and digital fashion collective Portal:M. By integrating PROJECTbyH.’s craftsmanship with Portal:M’s digital imaging techniques, the work reinterprets traditional textile processes through contemporary methods, challenging conventional perceptions of fabric and form.
嬰兒藉由分娩離開母體,從子宮誕生於這個世界。而 “RE-INCARNATION(轉世)” 盼以概念的形式,利用織品裝置的技法,將分娩的畫面記錄下來。
此次 “RE-INCARNATION(轉世)” 織品裝置是獨立設計師品牌 PROJECTbyH. 與數位時裝團隊 Portal:M 的跨界合作。將 PROJECTbyH. 的服裝工藝思維,結合 Portal:M 的數位影像技術,使傳統工序的手工製作透過現代化的方式實現,顛覆織品的既定刻板思維。